Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Neuromuscular Reflexes

Module 3 Neuromuscular Reflexes

Q Neuromuscular Reflexes 1. Assume that there are nerve fibers that travel from the brain to the motor neurons in the spinal cord involved in this reflex arc. Some nerve tracts from the brain stimulate the spinal neurons, and some inhibit the same neurons. Speculate on the mechanism that would result in the differences you observed in the ?mV values between reflexes with and without reinforcement. 2. Describe the differences in amplitude and frequency between the wave forms resulting from a reflex stimulus with and without reinforcement. What can you hypothesize about the number of nerve fibers involved in a reinforced reflex as compared to one without reinforcement?

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1. Hyporeflexia is an absent or diminished response to tapping without reinforcement . It usually indicates a disease that involves one or more of the component of the two neuron reflex arc .Hyperreflexia refers to the hyperactive or repeating reflexes.